Tag: Local Shows

March 31, 2011 / / Music
December 22, 2010 / / Music

The Buke & Gass duo, featuring Arone Dyer and Aron Sanchez, highlights precisely what’s frustrating about small scene independent sound these days from New York to Portland – they always leave us wanting more.

December 7, 2010 / / Visual Art
November 19, 2010 / / Performance Art

If you remember the good old days of Manhattan Neighborhood Network’s (MNN) public access television extravaganza, then you might remember seeing one Diane Dwyer, DIY circus performer and local artist, whose 1994 lo-fi video production of her very own circus hit the airwaves before YouTube was even a twinkle in our eyes. These days her program, Diane’s Circus, is on it’s way to making a comeback – digitally.

November 10, 2010 / / Music
December 8, 2009 / / Music

Minutes before performing at Brooklyn The Party last week at Public Assembly, the fearsome sparrow gave me an insight into their creative process, whether their music has evolved since they first formed, and what’s next for them. Though reluctant to tell me what their latest single, “maryland,” is really about, they did divulge that, despite the name, it’s not about the state. Find out more after the jump!

November 3, 2009 / / Music

Over the weekend, The Long Count, an indie rock opera featuring music by The National’s Bryce and Aaron Dessner and visuals by artist Matthew Ritchie, played its last performance at the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave festival. Watch our exclusive video from the BAM artist talk where the Dessner brothers explain the genesis of their first symbolic symphony.